Concept Testing – Studios, and investment/production entities use the Consumer Engagement metric to test custom concepts at the initial concept stage, before any money has been put into a film investment to determine if an idea is worth making, and at what specific financial level it makes sense to invest. Production entities are also able to test out different versions of a potential concept to determine which version has the most compelling elements that consumers will respond to the best. Read more…
Actor Valuation – Actors aren’t necessarily always worth their quotes. Sometimes an actor brings more to a project, and sometimes their involvement in a particular project actually loses that film money. While Cameron Diaz may work phenomenally in Bad Teacher, her involvement could, hypothetically, actually take money away from a project like Pacific Rim, relative to the baseline. Read more…
Tracking – Piedmont offers a tracking service from 12 weeks prior to a movies release until opening. The company is able to track the strength of movie-goers connections to films far earlier and more effectively than traditional tracking measures that typically rely on “Awareness, Interest, and Choice”- measures which cannot be used any earlier than 4-5 weeks before release. Read more…
Digital – Piedmont recognizes digital distribution is a key growth driver for studios. As such, we’ve tailored our syndicated tracking data to help predict how each movie will perform in digital in general, but also on individual digital distribution platforms, including Amazon, Netflix, Set Top Box on demand, and Game consoles. Read more…